Gillian Clark

Gillian Clark is a multidisciplinary theatre creator and the artistic co-director of Keep Good (Theatre) Company. She resides in Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal, with a large part of her heart in K’jipuktuk/Halifax.
Her plays include: Let’s Try This Standing, (solo piece and winner of Outstanding Performance at the 2016 Summerworks Performance Festival, Now Magazine), The Ruins (Two Planks and a Passion Theatre), Harmony Mall (Runner-Up for the Playwrights Guild of Canada’s 2019 RBC Emerging Playwright Award), and Drums and Organs (commissioned by Dalhousie University for their 2018 graduating acting class). Upcoming projects include The Game for the New Words Festival and Adventures with Keep Good (Theatre) Company.
Gillian’s work fuses text, spontaneity, and interdisciplinary practices to create experiences that juxtapose intimacy with large-scale theatrical moments. Gillian values collaboration, innovation, and joyful rigour. Recent collaborators are: Christian Barry, Sarah Elkashef, Erin Shields, Anthony Black, and Ann-Marie Kerr.