Hilary Wheeler

Hilary Wheeler is a Canadian actor of Chinese and European descent who hails from Victoria, BC.
In her time at the National Theatre School of Canada, Hilary has become the artist she is by working with such theatre practitioners as Rebecca Harper (Movement), Tim Welham (Shakespeare), Martha Burns (Actor’s Process), Brenda Bazinet (Canadian Scene Study), Anita Nittoly (Stage Combat), and Marla McLean and Graeme Somerville (Shaw and Contemporary Shavians). Her school production performances include The Most Offending Soul Alive (dir. Danielle Irvine) and Indecent (dir. Mike Payette). Outside of school, she has performed in three consecutive repertory seasons with the Greater Victoria Shakespeare Festival, including appearances in Macbeth, Love’s Labour’s Lost, and Pericles.
As an artist, Hilary creates and collaborates on theatre that pushes boundaries, provides a necessary escape, and contextualizes classics in a contemporary world. She creates art to make one feel seen and heard.

vocal range
related skills
drum kit, percussion (timpani, xylophone, cajón, bongos etc.), ukulele, basic piano, Dialects (Received Pronunciation, Dublin Irish, New York, General American), reading music, experience with orchestra and wind symphony percussion, front splits, goat impression