James Viveiros

James Viveiros is an interdisciplinary performance artist of mixed Cree, Metis and Portuguese ancestry whose career spans over 25 years, most notably as a dancer with Compagnie Marie Chouinard. Since graduating from Alberta’s Grant MacEwan University’s Musical Theatre and Dance Programs in 1998, James has performed various choreographic works in festivals and theatres worldwide. In 2016, with support from the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Quebec, James travelled to Tel Aviv, Israel, to study with the Batsheva Dance Company under Ohad Naharin. In addition to creating and collaborating with artists across Canada, James frequently travels to share his passion and expertise in movement at various schools, universities and arts institutions. In his residency, he has explored Indigenous theatre-making practices, theatre creation, direction, acting and playwriting, voice work, puppetry and performing objects. “My time at NTS has encouraged me to revisit my initial curiosity for the stage. Fostering an environment where I could research and develop new skills and confirm and refine existing ones, allowing me to create and stage what continues to haunt and inspire me.”