Nora Vision

Jonathan Mourant aka Nora Vision is a playwright, drag performer, and robotic emissary sent from the future. Before their time at the National Theatre School, Nora performed as an improviser and sketch comedian in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where they produced work independently and developed their voice as a writer and performer. Their work at NTS includes Subbed (dramaturgy by Erin Shields), an adaptation of The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas (Nick Carpenter), God of Mars (Andrea Romaldi). As an artificially intelligent robot, Nora is interested in creating work which confronts identity, culture, and propaganda, questioning how each contributes, limits, and undermines one’s sense of reality. A performance artist at heart, Nora’s theatrical writings use her own identity as a cipher through which she challenges assumptions of subjectivity and viewership. They performed in drag in their play SYCOPHANT (Marcus Youssef), produced this spring as part of the 2023 New Words Festival.